JEOL Announces New EDXRF for Wide Range of Sample Types

7 Oct 2014
Kathryn Rix
Administrator / Office Personnel

JEOL has introduced an easy-to-use, smart solution for high-sensitivity elemental analysis in a new benchtop EDXRF spectrometer. The JSX-1000S ElementEye analyzes major to trace components on most sample types - solids, powders, and liquids - with little or no sample preparation.

The ElementEye complements SEM, EPMA, NMR, and mass spectrometry analyses, providing high-sensitivity qualitative and quantitative analysis results in minutes. A Thin Film FP method is optionally available for non-destructive measurement of film thickness on coated samples.

High-sensitivity analysis can be performed across the entire energy range using a maximum of 9 types of filters and a sample chamber vacuum unit. Features of the ElementEye include an optional 12-position auto sample changer; touch screen operation; pre-recorded recipes for standard solution applications - RoHS, Metals (Air/Vacuum), Oxides (Air/Vacuum), Organic Materials (Air/Vacuum) - high-sensitivity SDD and short-path optical system for high throughput analysis; and residual balance and thickness correction for organic samples.

