JEOL Demonstrates Latest Scientific Instruments at Pittcon 2006 -- March 13th-16th

17 Feb 2006

Live demos of a new low vacuum, high resolution SEM, direct analysis in real time mass spectrometer (DART™), and remote operation of an NMR spectroscopy system will be ongoing in the JEOL booth, #2132 and 2133 at the Orange County Convention Center West Building, Orlando, Florida.

SEM Technology

Throughout the four-day Pittcon conference, JEOL will exhibit the new JSM-6490LV SEM featuring multiple live image displays, streamlined graphical interface, and improved low kV operation. Live, full screen imaging will be shown on a large plasma screen in the booth during demonstrations. Additionally a SEM located in the company’s Massachusetts office will be operated using Web SEM with remote operation capability.

Sample Prep

A cross section polisher (CSP) that uses an argon ion beam to prepare precision cross sections of soft, hard, or composite materials including paper, print toner, solder bumps, and coated materials will be shown. The CSP preserves internal structures, voids between interfaces, adhesions between layers, and precipitates. Unlike conventional mechanical polishers, the CSP minimizes deformation of the polished surface, enabling clear observation of crystalline structures.

Mass Spectrometry Using Direct Analysis

Live analyses using AccuTOFTM with DART (Direct Analysis in Real Time) will be demonstrated with a wide plasma screen for easy viewing of instantaneous analysis of objects in open air, without the need for sample preparation. The Gold Award winner at Pittcon 2005, the AccuTOF-DART will be the subject of six presentations during the technical sessions:

  • Sunday, March 12 – 2:15 – Symposium -- Session 10
    Direct Analysis in Real Time (DART): Mass Spectrometry for the Impatient – Cody (JEOL), Laramee (SAIC), Nilles (SAIC)
  • Sunday, March 12 – 3:05 – Symposium -- Session 10
    Direct Ionization of Real Samples in Open Air for Mass Spectrometry: The Case of Counterfeit Antimalarial Drugs –Fernandez (Georgia Inst. of Technology), Leung, de Jesus, Green, Newton
  • Tuesday, March 14 – 11:05 – Organized Contributed Session – Session 830
    Rapid Screening for Metabolites in Body Fluids by Direct Analysis in Real Time Coupled with Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometry – Cody (JEOL), Laramee (SAIC), Nilles (?)
  • Tuesday, March 14 – Afternoon – Poster Session 1290
    An Ion Correlation Program for Deconvoluting Composite Mass Spectra Acquired Using a Direct Surface Ionization Source Interfaced to a Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometer – Grange (EPA), Cody (JEOL), Sovocool (EPA)
  • Thursday, March 16 – Morning – Poster Session 2100
    Applications with Direct Analysis in Real Time (DART) Mass Spectrometer of Forensic Interest – Leibowitz (FBI), Jagerdeo, Schumacher, LeBeau
  • Wednesday, March 15 – 2:30 – Oral Session 1700
    Rapid Sample Analysis with Direct Analysis in Real Time (DART Source) Coupled to Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometer: Forensic Applications – Jagerdeo (FBI), Leibowitz, Clark, Schumacher, LeBeau

ECA NMR systems with Delta Software

Live, remote NMR analyses using the JEOL ECA NMR spectroscopy system will be demonstrated. JEOL NMR systems -- available from 300 to 930MHz -- can be used to facilitate high-performance multiple channel protein and solid-state experiments as well as routine small molecule analysis. JEOL NMR systems use the innovative DELTATM processing and acquisition package, a full-featured yet easy-to-use software package that runs under Windows XP and Mac OSX platforms.

