JEOL Introduces New High Sensitivity, Cyber-enabled FT-NMR

5 Aug 2007

JEOL USA will introduce and demonstrate a new compact, high-performance, 400MHz NMR spectrometer at ACS Fall 2007, August 20-22, in booth #919-921. The company will unveil the recently announced ECS-400 Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectrometer, featuring the new Jastec 400 MHz Super Self-Shielded superconducting magnet.

The new, fully-digital ECS-400 console is flexible enough to run even the most demanding multi-dimensional NMR experiments. Its compact design significantly reduces the instrument footprint and greatly conserves laboratory space. The ECS-400 is well-suited for synthetic compound characterization, student laboratory instruction, and industrial quality control applications.

The JEOL ECS-400 NMR is fully automated and cyber-enabled, allowing multiple users to collect and receive data from any authorized PC connected on the network. The widely popular Delta™ software package is used for both data acquisition and data processing. Delta™ runs natively on both Windows XP and Mac OS X and is provided with a site-license as part of the standard spectrometer package, making it available to all users both corporate-wide and campus-wide.

To complement the new NMR console, a new 400MHz multinuclear, broadband, automatic tuning and matching, pulsed field gradient NMR probe will also be introduced. This new probe technology is optimized to achieve the highest room temperature NMR probe sensitivity for 1H and 13C observation. Guaranteed sensitivities of 200:1 for 13C (ASTM) and 280:1 for 1H (0.1% ethyl benzene) improve detection limits and can reduce measurement time by 20% and 50%. A host of other specialized NMR probes and sample changers are also available.

