JEOL Unveils Highest Resolution 200kV Aberration-corrected Scanning/Transmission Electron Microscope (S/TEM)

10 Mar 2009
Emily Marquez-Vega
Publishing / Media

The year 2009 marks the introduction of a new generation of Transmission Electron Microscope (TEM) for JEOL, as well as the 60th anniversary of the company with the longest history of innovation and leadership in electron microscopy. JEOL is pleased to introduce the new JEM-ARM200F atomic resolution analytical microscope.

Highest Resolution Commercially Available

According to JEOL USA, the company’s U.S. subsidiary, JEOL has unveiled its new JEM-ARM200F atomic resolution analytical microscope, setting a new benchmark for advanced, aberration-corrected S/TEM technology with the highest resolution commercially available in its class. Through a rigorous development and design program inspired by JEOL customers, the JEOL team has produced an entirely new platform of TEM that achieves a guaranteed HAADF-STEM (high angle annular dark field) resolution of 80 picometers, or 0.08 nanometers.

Enhanced Analytical S/TEM

With advanced analytical capabilities, the JEM-ARM200F enables both atom-by-atom imaging resolution and unmatched spatial resolution for atom-to-atom chemical mapping of materials, including EDS (energy-dispersive x-ray spectroscopy) and EELS (electron energy-loss spectroscopy). The completely new electron column design integrates S/TEM with Cs correction for atomic spatial energy resolution combined with high probe currents for microanalysis.

Ultimate Stability at the Sub-Nanometer Scale

The JEM-ARM200F offers the ultimate stability for imaging and analysis at the sub-nanometer scale. The electron column is isolated from the environmental disturbances found in most labs. A superior shielding design safeguards the ultrahigh-powered optics from airflow, vibration, and acoustical interference. Additional shielding ensures protection from electronic interference, magnetic fields, and thermal fluctuations.

Integrated Software Automation

The latest in software automation has been designed into the new ARM200F, with tomography and holography simplified by a user-friendly GUI.

First U.S. Installation in World-renowned Researcher’s Lab

The University of Texas at San Antonio (UTSA) will be the site of the first installation of the new JEM-ARM200F. The microscope will be housed in the Advanced Microscopy Laboratory under the supervision of world-renowned researcher Miguel Yacaman, chair of the College of Sciences’ Department of Physics and Astronomy. There, it will support first-class research in nanotechnology, materials science, medicine, biology, chemistry and engineering.

Backed by Award-winning Service and Support

JEOL USA is renowned for its unrivaled applications expertise and training, plus its comprehensive, award-winning 24/7 service.

