JPK Instruments Exhibit Scanning Probe Technologies for Soft Matter and Life Science Research at MICROSCIENCE 2008

1 Jun 2008
Greg Smith
Analyst / Analytical Chemist

JPK Instruments AG is a leading manufacturer of nano-analytic instruments for research in life sciences and soft matter. One of Germany’s most innovative nanotechnology companies, JPK was among the first to recognize the revolutionary opportunities this new field would open up for biomedical and biomaterials research.

At MicroScience 2008 at Stand H8, JPK are exhibiting a new range of tools for visualizing and probing biomaterials and their interactions from cells to single molecules. The NanoWizard®II AFM seamlessly integrates optical and confocal microscopies with quantitative AFM imaging and spectroscopy. The BioMat™ workstation combines for the first time fluorescence microscopy and AFM for opaque samples. This enables cell growth on implants and bacterial biocidal properties to be quickly and accurately characterized. The CellHesion200® system measures cell/cell and cell/substrate interactions, determining adhesion and mechanical properties. The new ForceRobot™ system automates force spectroscopy acquisition and analysis for studies of ligand-receptor interactions and molecular unfolding, dramatically increasing throughput. The NanoTracker™ is the first commercial instrument to exploit optical trapping technology to visualize and characterize cell/molecule and cell/nanoparticle interactions in real time in 3-dimensions.

Applications specialists will be on hand to talk with potential users about their research expectations and how JPK’s instruments may assist in reaching their goals. If you are unable to come to MicroScience, please visit JPK’s web site ( and sign up for their electronic newsletter.

