Kaiser Announces RamanRxn2 1000 Raman Analyzer

27 May 2010
Sarah Sarah
Marketing / Sales

The RamanRxn2™ 1000 analyzer provides the fluorescence rejection of a FT-Raman spectrometer but with the ease of fiber-optic interfacing of a dispersive Raman analyzer. Using 1000 nm excitation is a compromise between fluorescence rejection and detection sensitivity.

For non-Raman spectroscopists the observation of any level of fluorescence background can lead to a desire to move to a different excitation wavelength. However it is often possible to remove the background during a data analysis step leaving a residual spectrum of high enough signal-to-noise ratio to allow quantitative analysis. While 785-nm excitation remains the most universal wavelength for petrochemical and pharmaceutical Raman applications, some applications for example early stage “dirty” crystallization, biofuels, polyurethanes, heavy hydrocarbons, and some colorants / pigments exhibit fluorescence too intense to allow the application to be addressed with 785-nm excitation. For these applications the RamanRxn2™ 1000 analyzer provides an effective route for in situ monitoring.

In order to optimize performance in this wavelength range and bring this analyzer to market it was necessary to incorporate developments in
a. Diode lasers
b. InGaAs array detectors
c. Refractive axial transmissive spectrographs
d. Reaction analysis software
in order to obtain maximize detected Raman signals.

“The RamanRxn2™ 1000 Raman analyzer fills a niche for Raman analyzers for application where fluorescence cannot be overcome using 785-nm excitation. In certain cases a Raman method had to be employed off-line because the only available instrumentation capable of overcoming sample fluorescence was an FT-Raman spectrometer. With the introduction of the RamanRxn2™ 1000 Raman analyzer these Raman measurements can be made on-line allowing users the potential to develop process control methodologies rather than end-product testing,” says Ian Lewis, Marketing Manager at Kaiser.

This analyzer is offered with either iC RamanTM 4.1 for reaction development and understanding, or synTQ-Lite for process monitoring and control where compliance to 21 CFR Part 11 and interface to data historians are required.
