KBiosystems Ltd UK to Launch New Barcode System, Plate Sealing and Plate Handling Products at Plant & Animal Genomics (PAG) and SLAS Meetings
2 Jan 2014
KBiosystems Ltd, are proud to announce the launch of 3 new products for 2014. These products will be launched at the Plant & Animal Genomics (PAG) and SLAS meetings in January 2014, San Diego, CA.
The products being launched are as follows:
eGecko – Electronic Barcode Print & Apply
eSeal – The first electronic thermal plate sealing system
eViper – a linear track plate handling system able to present plates to two systems.
Russell Wheatcroft, Head of Global Sales & Marketing comments “2014 is a very big year for us. Two years of work behind the scenes has gone into the design and planning for this. We are thrilled to continue to lead the plate sealing market by launching the eSeal to the market and believe that the market we already lead are looking for such a system. Being able to handle standard thermal seals and gas permeable seal this is a breakthrough in thermal sealing processes".
The eGecko is a progressive instrument from our earlier models and uses electric to drive the system, but we have been able to reduce the size still have a strong emphasis on speed and flexibility for integrators to use the system.
EViper is a plate handling system that allows us to feed two products together. Again electrically driven and small and compact, this system has a small footprint and is easily integrated again with other vendor’s instrumentation.
Russell continues “The staffs at KBiosystems are the key to our success and many long hours and meetings have gone in to the design, production and assembly of these products. We will continue to launch and exhibit these products into our other geographical markets with Analytica and European Laboratory Automation meetings in Munich and Barcelona in 2014”.
Russell Wheatcroft concludes “More information about our company and our new products can be found on our website www.kbiosystems.com as well as following us on LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram and Twitter”.