Kleindiek Nanotechnik’s Instrumentation Consumables Now Available from Agar Scientific

12 Feb 2009
Emily Marquez-Vega
Publishing / Media

As they grow in the support of Kleindiek’s UK & Ireland user base, Agar Scientific has now the ability to provide the full range of consumables and support for Kleindiek’s micro- and nano-manipulation tools and solutions.

For users working in the fields of electron microscopy and focused ion beam instrumentation, it is essential that consumables are of the highest standards in terms of reproducibility and precision in manufacture. To this goal, Kleindiek have designed processes to ensure their users receive the best possible quality in terms of all its products.

For example, their range of tungsten probe tips are FIB-cleaned and then packaged in a protective atmosphere. This means a guarantee in tip radius with products in the range of 30-100nm. The same strict quality control for the best performance applies to other products including force sensors, glass pipettes and four-point probes, each delivered with very tight tolerances.

The four point probe module (M4PP) is a plug in for the MM3A micromanipulator, allowing four point electrical contact characterisation with only a single micromanipulator. In combination with high resolution SEM and FIB imaging is a powerful tool for analyzing the local electrical properties of materials and devices. Ultra low contact force probes ensure non-destructive testing of the sample.

SEM users will also appreciate the convenience of Kleindiek’s SEMGLU product. This high vacuum compatible glue comes ready to use mounted on a stub. It remains uncured at relatively low imaging currents, polymerisation only beginning when the electron beam is focused on a very small area. Setting yields an excellent bond with adhesive forces comparable to those obtained with epoxy-based glues

For more details of these and other products, please contact Agar direct. Agar supplies one of the broadest ranges of accessories and consumables for microscopy. The complete range is available in either electronic or printed-catalogue form. To receive your copy, please follow the company website link and register today.

