KREATECH Biotechnology launches labeled anti-fluorescein and anti-biotin detection conjugates

24 Mar 2006

KREATECH Biotechnology BV announces the launch of enzyme and dye labeled anti-fluorescein and anti-biotin detection conjugates including SA-PE (Streptavidin R-Phycoerythrin). These conjugates can be used in combination with the company’s PlatinumBright kits for nucleic acid labeling for Life Science research applications.

The PlatinumBright nucleic acid labeling kits, based on the proprietary ULSTM technology, offer the researcher the possibility to non-enzymatically label their target nucleic acid with a choice of commonly used fluorescent dyes, including fluorescein, or biotin and then proceed to use this labeled material in different hybridization applications. The addition of conjugates that detect biotin and fluorescein will enable researchers to visualize the biotin labeled nucleic acid and amplify the signal of fluorescein-labeled low abundant targets.

KREATECH’s ULS technology relies on the special binding properties of transition metals, especially platinum, to form coordinative bonds with biomolecules by binding to specific sites on DNA, RNA and proteins. In this way, ULS acts as relatively simple “molecular glue” for DNA, RNA and proteins. As a result of its versatility, customers have a choice of the molecular label attached to the ULS they can use to label the biomolecules of interest.

KREATECH also commercializes labeling kits for aRNA labeling, miRNA labeling, small RNA labeling, arrayCGH labeling, general nucleic acid labeling and protein labeling.

For more information on all of the ULS labeling kits visit

