Lab M C. sakazakii range supports all ISO isolation protocols

19 Mar 2009
Emily Marquez-Vega
Publishing / Media

Lab M’s product range for the isolation of C. sakazakii now includes both broth and chromogenic media.

In addition to the Harlequin™ Cronobacter sakazakii Isolation Medium, the company offers Cronobacter sakazakii Enrichment Broth. This product series facilitates the testing regimes recommended for C. sakazakii isolation under ISO/TS 22964:2006(E).

Cronobacter sakazakii Enrichment Broth (CSEB) is the secondary enrichment broth as currently recommended for the isolation of C. sakazakii from milk and milk products. Based on lauryl sulphate tryptose broth, it has added sodium chloride for extra selectivity against competing organisms. The antibiotic vancomycin is also added to inhibit Gram-positive organisms such as Staphylococccus aureus which may be able grow in this medium.

Harlequin™ Cronobacter sakazakii Isolation Medium (Harlequin™ CSIM) uses chromogenic technology for rapid detection. The combination of sodium desoxycholate, crystal violet and elevated incubation temperature results in a very selective and specific medium that produces green coloured colonies of the target bacterium. Chromogenic media reduce the need for subculture or confirmatory tests.

As a microbiology specialist, Lab M recognises the need to meet a variety of testing regimes and is well known for high quality chromogenic media for Salmonella, Listeria and E.coli detection. For further information, please follow the company website link on the right hand side of the screen.

