Lab M forges ahead with ISO compliant media formulations

2 Mar 2007

Through an ongoing programme of product development and new product introductions, Lab M continues to lead the way in launching new formulations of its dehydrated culture media that specifically meet new ISO guidelines for microbiological testing in the food industry.

The Lab M range now includes Listeria Isolation Medium, Oxford (ISO), Water Plate Count Agar (ISO) and Buffered Peptone Water (ISO).

The International Standards Organization (ISO) has recently issued guidelines for the preparation and production of culture media (ISO/TS 11133 Microbiology of food and animal feeding stuffs). Part 1 of the standard was issued in 2000 and set out general guidelines on quality assurance for the preparation of culture media in the laboratory. More recently, Part 2 has provided practical guidelines on performance testing of culture media. These currently take the form of a detailed technical specification, setting out the minimum acceptable performance criteria and the methodology and organisms required for quality control of specific media.

A typical dehydrated culture media (DCM) product will be submitted to a battery of tests during manufacture. Lab M tests the product in its final prepared form for all criteria. The end user need then only perform a minimal QC procedure.

For more information about Lab M’s range visit the article webpage.

