Lab21 Spearheads Introduction of improved Diagnostic Assays for Healthcare and Environmental Management

21 Jan 2008

Lab21, a UK-based company set up in 2005 to spearhead increased availability of state-of-the-art diagnostic tests for healthcare and environmental monitoring is set to consolidate its strategy further in 2008, having built up an impressive portfolio of tests and services during 2007.

Following the appointment of Graham Mullis as its new CEO, Lab 21 is focusing its products and services under two key areas: healthcare diagnostics including personalised medicine; and environmental diagnostics. It operates from its two UK sites in Cambridge and Newmarket.

Graham Mullis, CEO of Lab21 said: “The recent announcement of NHS plans to increase diagnostic screening is excellent news for patients and underlines the global trend towards preventative and personalised medicine. Earlier, faster and more accurate diagnosis is now at the centre of healthcare regimes. This means for Lab21, with an ever growing portfolio of tests and partnerships we are well placed to deliver improved healthcare. In addition, an increased focus on environmental monitoring aligns well with our environmental services - Lab21 is well positioned to develop into a leading provider of healthcare and environmental diagnostics.”

“I am confident that with our new executive management team we are well placed to drive the business forward. 2008 is set to be an exciting and dynamic year for Lab21 and its shareholders,” he added. During 2008 the Company will be recruiting to expand its sales and technical teams, in line with the expansion in its offerings.

Lab21 starts 2008 refocused with some early success already under its belt. December 2007 was an excellent month for Lab-21 with the best sales performance in the history of the Company,” said Maddy Kennedy, Chief Financial Officer, adding, “During 2008 we will be exploring options to further expand the company through both alliances and acquisitions, and to ensure the Company has the finances available to deliver on its strategic objectives and to grow shareholder value.”

Healthcare Diagnostics and Personalised Medicine
Through in-house development and an active programme of in-licensing, Lab21 has created a portfolio of molecular diagnostic services for disease identification, disease predisposition and personalised medicine. It is establishing a leadership position in key therapeutics areas such as:

  • Liver disease, including Hepatitis C and Non-Alcoholic Syndromes
    Lab21 has the UK license for Fibromax, a highly accurate non-invasive test for liver disease
  • Sexually transmitted disease including syphilis
    Lab21 offer a highly sensitive, accurate immunodiagnostic for syphilis which can be performed in two hours
  • Infectious diseases, such as HIV and malaria
    Lab21 has an exclusive UK license for access to the HIV Trofile™ assay service, a companion diagnostic used in the patient selection process for Pfizer’s new antiretroviral treatment Celsentri™
  • Cancer including breast, skin and ovarian
    Lab21 has a number of cancer diagnostics including BRACAnalysis, which can be used to predict the likelihood of an individual developing breast cancer. It has also recently secured an agreement with a major US pharmaceutical company for another companion diagnostic test to be used in the colorectal cancer drug disease area
  • Coronary heart disease and thrombosis
    Lab21 has an exclusive UK license for a test to analyse the presence of antibodies in the blood that predict the risk of coronary heart disease developing

In addition to these clinical tests and services, Lab21 is working in partnership with pharmaceutical and biotech companies, and CROs to provide molecular diagnostic support, pre-clinical and clinical research including pharmacogenetics. During 2008 Lab21 expects to secure new licensing agreements and launch new diagnostics tests, in particular in the ‘companion’ diagnostics area. Companion diagnostics are growing in importance – they are tests that are used to determine the best therapeutic regime for a patient, allowing for a more personalised approach.

“Genomics and proteomics are enabling the development of medicines that are tailored either to the patients’ unique profiles or that of the disease. Companion diagnostics are vital for such personalised approaches to be adopted. Lab21 is building its range to meet the needs of the pharmaceutical industry and healthcare providers to deliver on the promise that personalised medicine offers,” says Dr Berwyn Clarke, Chief Scientific and Development Officer.

Environmental Monitoring
Lab 21’s environmental division incorporates the assets of MTI (Monitoring Technologies International), which specialises in heavy metal analysis using the anodic stripping voltammetry (ASV) technique and has a worldwide reputation for the quality, reliability and ease of use of its instruments.

The environmental division specialises in developing and manufacturing analytical instruments for detecting very low concentrations of heavy metals in water, soil, food and other matrices.

To date the environmental team has successfully concluded a number of significant international deals including the installation of an online heavy metal monitor to help a heavy lead smelter to monitor its by-products. The division's most recent significant installation however, was in China with on-line monitors for a tributary of the Pearl River to protect drinking water supplies to over 4 million people from the devastating effects of heavy metal poisoning.

Chris Welsh, the Managing Director of the Environmental division added: “It has become increasingly important for companies to be aware of how their activities affect the environment, which directly impacts public health, but also from the impact of financial penalties from regulators who protect public safety. Lab21 is well positioned to provide services to this market having developed a series of highly sensitive and robust monitoring devices, which can be used to detect a number of industrial pollutants.”

