LabSmith to Debut New Tools for its Modular Micro- and Nano-Fluidics R&D and Prototyping Platform at Pittcon 2013
27 Feb 2013
LabSmith, Inc., developer of tools for science, announces the release of several new products that will be debuted at Pittcon 2013. The new products expand our LabPackage offerings, the first modular solution for building and controlling micro- and nano-fluidic experiments.
“Micro/nanofluidics approaches greatly assist researchers in the life sciences, nanotechnology, chemistry and engineering,” said Kirsten Pace, LabSmith’s President and CEO. “In these experiments it is essential to have total control of electric fields, fluid pressure and fluid flow, as well as reliable capture and imaging of often transient phenomena. LabSmith’s LabPackage provides a modular platform with all of the components researchers need to quickly add a micro/nanofluidics core capability to their laboratory and to adjust that capability as their research develops.”
The new tools for the LabPackage include:
- Pressure and temperature sensors. The sensors are added to our uProcess line of microfluidic automated microfluidic control products. Featuring a compact design and low dead volume, the sensors can be threaded directly into any of our uProcess or CapTite™ products for in-line temperature and pressure monitoring. In addition, our innovative uProcess™ Software allows the pressure sensor to be used in conjunction with our programmable syringe pumps and automated valves for closed-loop pressure control. These new products are compatible with existing LabSmith uProcess systems, and, as always, software and firmware upgrades are free.
- Improved current resolution on our high voltage sequencer. Our HVS448-6000D is now available with 8nA current resolution, designed specifically for the demanding requirements of electrokinetics in nanochannels. The HVS448-6000D-uLC provides eight channels of high voltage (-3000V to +3000V) and current supply and sensing, with programmable sequencing within and between all channels.
- New USB high-resolution camera available for the SVM340 Synchronized Video Microscope for real-time visual monitoring and video capture now features a USB high-resolution camera. Specifically designed for micro/nanofluidics experiments, the SVM340 features a stationary stage with all translation occurring below the experiment for maximum control and stability, and a range of illumination and objective options.