Lambda Shows New Analysis Products at WWEM

26 Aug 2006

Lambda Advanced Technology will be showing a host of analysis products from Analytik Jena on stand 25 at the Water, Wastewater and Environmental Monitoring (WWEM) Conference, Exhibition and Workshops, 1st-2nd November 2006 at Telford International Centre, England.

Included on the stand will be the new multi EA3100 elemental analyser and the Contra AA 300 and Contra AA 7000 atomic absorption spectrometers. All these products are ideal for use by the environmental scientists wanting to carry out detailed and accurate elemental analysis.

The EA3100 has been developed for the determination of carbon, nitrogen, sulphur and total chlorine in the most varied of sample matrices. It is ideally suited for the analysis of petrochemical and related samples, such as oil, fuel, solvents, polymers, gas and liquid gas analysis, as well as fine chemical, EOX and AOX analysis. With an enormous range of configuration options, there is a wide selection of different modules for detection, sample introduction and sample digestion. Analysis is fully controlled and automatic, so making this instrument easy to use.

The new Contra AA 700 from AnalytiK Jena combines flame, hydride and graphite furnace technique in one device. For the first time, the high-resolution continuum source technology becomes available for trace and ultra-trace analysis using atomic absorption with a graphite furnace. This high-Resolution continuum source AAS (HR-CS AAS) offers completely new analytical possibilities for the entire spectral range – from the near vacuum UV to the near infrared – through the use of a single continuum radiation source.

The launch of the Contra 700 comes hot on the heels of the Contra AA 300 that introduced a novel approach to flame atomic absorption spectroscopy. This new instrument combines the simplicity of AAS with the speed and flexibility of ICP spectrometry by utilising a high resolution continuum light source in conjunction with a high resolution double Echelle monochromator for the first time in the technique. This increases sample throughput, improves detection limits and reduces costs. This novel approach means that all atomic absorption lines from 190-900nm are available from a single light source without the necessity for a different hollow cathode lamp for each element of interest.

Analysis specialists from LAT will be on hand throughout the show to offer help and advice on many aspects of environmental elemental analysis.

