Large Chamber Analytical VPSEM Launched By Hitachi

18 Jul 2006
Kerry Parker

Hitachi High-Technologies has announced the launch of the S-3700N Variable Pressure scanning electron microscope (VPSEM). This new instrument has an analytical chamber capable of accepting samples up to 300mm across and eleven accessory ports for analytical and experimental equipment use. The chamber size and geometry readily allows the simultaneous fitting and use of EDX, WDX and EBSD systems. Other accessories such as the Environmental Secondary Electron Detector (ESED) for SE imaging in VP mode, cooling stages, cathodoluminescence and infra red chamberscopes can also be accommodated.

The S-3700N chamber has been designed for both imaging and analysis applications, ensuring excellent resolution capabilities at the analysis position. A 5-axis fully motorised eucentric stage gives the user the flexibility to image large samples at a range of working distances, with a tilt capability to +900.

The S-3700N offers resolution of 3.0 nm at 30 kV at high vacuum and 4.0 nm at low vacuum. The SEM benefits from using an electron gun featuring the Hitachi patented Quad bias system, which boosts the emission current at a range of accelerating voltages to ensure high current for imaging and analysis throughout the accelerating voltage range, but particularly at low voltages, e.g. 3kV.

Variable pressure imaging utilises the high performance Hitachi 5- segment retractable backscattered electron detector, which is sensitive enough to operate at the fastest scan speeds for navigation and offers outstanding sensitivity right down to below 1 kV.

The new instrument provides versatile stage control, including full motorisation of the ‘z’ axis to ensure flexibility if switching between high and low magnifications at a range of working distances. Low magnification images can be imported into the stage control software for easy navigation to points of interest. In addition, light microscope images can also be imported to help locate important features. For further ease of use, it is possible to create your own "condition files" which allow key operating conditions for particular samples to be stored. These include stage position, working distance, magnification, probe size etc. In this way, a comprehensive sample ‘library’ of operating conditions can be built up for imaging, analysis, variable pressure applications, etc.

The S-3700 includes a comprehensive image management facility and is fully compatible with the PCI collaborative microscopy system, which allows users to be involved in microscopy sessions via the internet anywhere in the world.

