Large Format Camera Lenses

27 Apr 2011
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Custom Large Format Lenses from Resolve Optics Ltd. provide the very high resolution over a large image format required by current and future generation megapixel line scan and area scan sensors and cameras used in demanding scientific and machine vision applications.

Unlike off-the-shelf lenses, custom large format lenses from Resolve Optics Ltd. are designed to fully meet the optical and mechanical demands for high centre-to-edge resolution, low distortion and application-specific F-number performance. As camera manufacturers continue to increase sensor size, while simultaneously increasing pixel resolution, only Resolve Optics custom large format lenses enable products to achieve their full performance potential allowing access to new applications and helping achieve competitive advantage. As well as providing very high resolution over a large image format - Resolve Optics Ltd has designed diffraction-limited custom large format lenses with a large depth of field, a wide field of view for close-up imaging and exceptional contrast.

