Launch of Bio Nano Consulting Ushers in New Era in Bio-Nanotech

6 Apr 2008

A significant step forward in the practical delivery of nanotech for biomedical applications was taken last night with the official launch of Bio Nano Consulting. Formerly known as the Bio Nano Centre, the new Bio Nano Consulting (BNC) is a specialist product development consultancy applying nanotechnology tools to address real-world problems from the biomedical industry. Established in late 2007, BNC provides a seamless concept-to-market route for the bio-nanotechnology sector, and already has two projects underway with major pharmaceutical and diagnostics companies.

Announcing the launch, Professor John Wood, Principal, Faculty of Engineering and Chair in Material Science at Imperial College, London summarised BNC as providing companies with “access to brains and facilities”. BNC combines world leading experts in nanotechnology and biomedical engineering, experienced product development professionals and a £5m investment in infrastructure, instrumentation and working capital, to provide companies with an unparalleled resource. Particular specialist areas include virtual design, rapid prototyping and nano-characterisation.

Bio Nano Consulting CEO, Dr David Sarphie – a biotechnology professional with a wealth of senior management experience - commented “Over the next 20 years or so, the developing science of nanotechnology is going to transform healthcare – and generate globally significant revenues. For example, it is estimated that by 2015, some 50-60% of drugs will have involved nanotechnology in some stage of the development or delivery process. BNC offers a new way for companies to develop exciting new therapies, diagnostics and biomedical products that make use of nanotechnology.”

Expertise comes from senior researchers at Imperial College London, the University College London’s London Centre for Nanotechnology (LCN) and the UK’s National Physical Laboratory. An experienced board including Professors Gabriel Aeppli and Mike Horton of LCN and Professor Tony Cass of Imperial College will provide particular expertise. In addition, the BNC’s Industrial Advisory Board, composed of representatives from companies working in the biomedical sector, will ensure that technological concepts are successfully turned into reality, and projects will be run to schedule by highly experienced product development managers.

