Launch of Cloe® Gateway Web Portal for Access to Cyprotex Services

6 May 2009
Sarah Sarah
Marketing / Sales

Cyprotex the launches Cloe® Gateway, a new web portal for access to drug discovery services. The initial offering via Cloe® Gateway is a new enhanced version of the Company's proprietary predictive software, Cloe® PK, which predicts whole body pharmacokinetics from simple in vitro ADME and physicochemical properties, a very useful tool in decision making for drug discovery.

The pharmaceutical industry has amassed a huge quantity of ADME data over the past few years and this launch of an online version of Cloe® PK will make it easier and quicker for companies to realise significant added value from that data in the form of pharmacokinetic performance characteristics. These data enable faster, cheaper and better designed drugs to be developed.

Further new products to be sold through Cloe® Gateway, such as a human intestinal absorption model and a product to enable customers to access our largest selling product, Cloe® Screen, are in development and expected to launch in the near future.

Dr Anthony D Baxter, Cyprotex's Chief Executive, said:
"Cyprotex is delighted to announce the launch of its new and novel web portal, Cloe® Gateway. This will enable many more of our customers to utilise our Cloe® PK product on a simple pay-per-use model.

"The cost effectiveness of this approach will allow new audiences of scientists, such as bench medicinal chemists, to access these predictive technologies. This approach to selling software solutions is new to the ADME / pharmacokinetic world and we anticipate it will grow to replace competitor products still being sold on the outdated server / license model."

