LC-MS Investigator Software

1 Feb 2012
Roger Wayman
Administrator / Office Personnel

Nonlinear Dynamics Ltd has released Progenesis LC-MS Investigator, designed to work alongside their main Progenesis LC-MS license, providing a solution to the analysis bottleneck in busy or high capacity labs.

Picking up the workflow after peak-picking, it has all of the functionality of Progenesis LC-MS to explore your data and identify proteins. As well as being the ideal solution for core lab customers, it can help busy labs increase their throughput by easing the data analysis burden on the main license.
Progenesis LC-MS Investigator is an economical way to add label-free LC-MS data analysis capacity to your lab. You need to own a full license of Progenesis LC-MS, or use a core facility that has a full license and does the data processing, including peak picking, for you.

If you are a core lab customer you’ll benefit from:
• The ability to explore your own data in your own lab in your own time. Perform protein searches and conflict resolution – you are in full control of the analysis.
• Easier data reporting. Direct access to different data views in the software for the preparation of scientific posters and publications.

If you do all your mass spec in house you’ll benefit from:
• Higher throughput of mass spec analysis. Your Progenesis LC-MS license can be dedicated to processing sample runs.
• More data exploration and protein identification capacity. You can install Investigator on any lab PC or laptop and complete your analysis elsewhere.
• Your data is portable and easily transferrable between collaborators. Once an experiment has been processed by Progenesis LC-MS, you do not need to transfer the original experiment files. The experiment archive, which you load into Investigator, uses the compressed data files which can be ~10 fold smaller in file size. This makes transferring experiments more manageable.
