
LDLS™ EQ-99 Manager - The Smart Controller for Laser-Driven Light Sources

12 Feb 2013

Elliot Scientific are pleased to announce the introduction of the LDLS™ EQ-99 Manager to the UK and Ireland from Energetiq Technology, Inc. This new smart controller offers enhanced control of the EQ-99 series of Laser-Driven Light Sources (LDLS), adding valuable functionality to the brightest, longest lasting, broadband light source available today.

The EQ-99 Manager connects to a computer via USB, allowing easy control and monitoring of the status of the LDLS™, including bulb operation hours and other parameters. A bright LED front-panel display can also show this information.

An advanced shutter controller is incorporated within the EQ-99 Manager allowing the optional EQ-99 Shutter, which can be mounted to the window of the EQ-99 or directly to an optical bench, to offer a variety of control modes and a programmable shutter speed.

Energetiq’s Laser-Driven Light Sources are ground-breaking products that offer the brightest, longest lasting, broadband light for researchers working in demanding imaging and analytical spectroscopy applications. Energetiq’s patented laser-driven technology enables extreme high brightness over a broad spectral range — from 170 nm through visible into the near infrared.

The EQ-99 Manager is compatible with the EQ-99, EQ-99FC and EQ-99CAL Laser-Driven Light Source products.

