Learn from the Experts: Watch Siemens Presentations from AACC 2015

Clinical experts discuss a range of clinical, scientific and laboratory topics

28 Oct 2015
Sonia Nicholas
Managing Editor and Clinical Lead

During the AACC 2015 Annual Meeting and Clinical Lab Expo, experts from Siemens Healthcare Diagnostics gave a series of In-Booth Clinical Briefs, designed to discuss a range of topical clinical laboratory subjects. Watch the video series to learn more about troponin assays, hormone standardization, hemostasis sample integrity and more.

1. Use of a Guideline Acceptable Sensitive POC Troponin Assay in the ED to Decrease 30-day Readmission Rates

Monet N. Sayegh, M.D., Senior Medical Consultant, Siemens Healthcare Diagnostics, presents on a guideline acceptable POC troponin assay for earlier diagnosis of MI

2. Importance of Hormone Assay Standardization in Laboratory Medicine

Paul E.C. Sibley, PhD, Associate Director of Global Commercial Assay Marketing, Siemens Healthcare Diagnostics, discusses the importance of hormone assay standardization 

3. Hemostasis Sample Integrity - It Matters: Central Lab to Point of Care

Sandra Gardner, BS, MT (ASCP), Hemostasis Reagent Marketing, Siemens Healthcare Diagnostics, discusses the proper coagulation sample collection technique and the effect of improper capillary sample collection

4. Reducing LOS and Improving MI Diagnosis Using Guidance-Acceptable cTn Assays

Katherine Soreng, PhD, Director of Clinical and Scientific Marketing at Siemens Healthcare Diagnostics, discusses the use of troponin as a marker of myocardial damage and its appropriate use in MI diagnosis 

5. The Epidemic of Chronic Diseases: The Role of IVD Testing

Lauren Foohey, MT, MPH, Senior Director, Marketing Point of Care, Siemens Healthcare Diagnostics, discusses the global increase of chronic diseases, as well as the challenges and opportunities that this presents 

6. Meaningful Use: The Lab's Role in Attesting Stage 2 and 3

Liana F. Romero, PhD, MBA-GM, MT (ASCP), Senior Director of Strategic Development & Automation/IT at Siemens Healthcare Diagnostics, discusses meaningful use and healthcare reform and how the laboratory can attest MU2 and MU3

