Leica Microsystems Presents New Microscope Systems for Biosciences at BIOTECHNICA

8 Oct 2007
Greg Smith
Analyst / Analytical Chemist

Leica Microsystems is presenting a host of brand new microscope systems for biosciences at BIOTECHNICA. The internationally operating optics company even has a small sensation in store for stereomicroscopists: The new Leica M205 C breaks through the previous optical resolution limits of stereomicroscopy by incorporating Leica’s new FusionOpticTM technology (patent pending) which takes advantage of a neurological phenomenon. The left beam path produces great depth of field, while the right beam path provides a high-resolution image. The human brain then combines the best information from both channels to compose an image whose resolution and depth of field have never been achieved in any stereomicroscope before.

The Leica M205 C is the world's first stereomicroscope with a fully apochromatically corrected 20.5:1 zoom. In the zoom range from 0.78x to 16x, the resolution increases continuously up to 1050 lp/mm (planapochromat objective 2x). Due to the natural laws of optics, this performance class has never been seen before in stereomicroscopes.

Real-time visualization of dynamic processes
The new Leica AM TIRF MC (Multi-color, Total Internal Reflection Fluorescence) system allows the entire fluorescence excitation spectrum to now be used for real-time visualization of live cell dynamics. Leica‘s unique scanner sensor automatically matches the TIRF angle at all wavelengths to the required penetration depth, and positions the laser so that the TIRF penetration depth remains constant even when the wavelength is changed. Researchers using Leica’s TIRF technology benefit from a unique level of convenience as well as from reproducible scientific results. With the Leica AM TIRF MC, a scientist can examine single molecules near the cell membrane, study co-localization and vesicle transport, and combine TIRF and fast FRET analysis.

Universal microscope for living cell examinations
The new inverted microscope generation Leica DMI3000 B is especially designed for applications in live cell research, offering a unique level of technology and convenience for this class of microscope. The new integrated incident light fluorescence axis delivers brilliant images for all manual fluorescence techniques, giving the user even more possibilities than the already highly successful predecessor model. Leica’s integrated modulation and phase contrast solutions eliminate the need for special objectives. On top of this, the system offers extremely flexible configuration options. The addition of manual fluorescence turns the Leica DMI3000 B into a general-purpose microscope for live cell examinations – and offers the perfect start to research microscopy.

Microscopy easier than ever before
Research results captured as excellent images - this is now even easier to achieve with the new generation of Leica DM4000 B to DM6000 B digital microscopes. The brilliance and speed of the integrated imaging system are unparalleled in this class of microscope. Intelligent automation and the most up-to-date control electronics guarantee reproducible results that are absolutely reliable. The new external Leica STP6000 SmartTouch Panel enables completely new operating freedom with its ultra convenient, intuitive remote control of all automated functions. Using the digital microscopes from Leica Microsystems, microscopy has never been so easy. Complex processes can be automated according to individual specifications. In this way the user not only saves a great deal of time during familiarization, but also during his/her daily work. Unique features are the change in contrast at the push of a button for all the instruments in the series, and the fully automated Differential Interference Contrast (DIC) on the Leica DM5000 B to DM6000 B.

Precise dissection of individual cells with the laser scalpel
Whether for cancer research, other areas of pathology, proteomics, genomics, gene expression profiling or neuroscience, the successful laser microdissection system Leica LMD6000 satisfies the requirements of even the most modern research labs. The Leica LMD6000 is characterized by intelligent automation, improved performance, optimized specimen throughput and high precision, with innovations in all areas of obtaining material for analysis. Thanks to improved optics and exact laser control, the Leica LMD6000 enables high-precision, high-speed collection of even very small objects, such as individual cells. Owing to optical laser control, stage movements do not influence the quality of the results. Even chromosomes can be easily cut – the new dissection system is equipped with up to 150x magnification. With its enhanced laser technology, the Leica LMD6000 is also suitable for processing thicker specimens and harder materials, making it ideal for botanical research applications, for example.

Affordable excellence: Spectacular images with the Leica TCS SPE confocal system
The high-resolution spectral confocal system Leica TCS SPE features true spectral detection across the full emission range, making this system unique in its class of compact confocal systems. Optimal resolution is ensured by up to four solid-state lasers with wavelengths from 488 to 635 nm, with a 405 nm option for nuclear staining. The Leica TCS SPE utilizes Leica ACS (Advanced Correction System) technology for perfect colocalization and maximum transmission. The Leica TCS SPE requires minimal training and first results are achieved immediately, even by confocal newcomers. In core imaging facilities, the TCS SPE serves as an expertly designed system to increase capacity and to relieve the demands on high-end confocal systems. Its supply unit is no bigger than a standard PC and provides power, up to four lasers, an integrated PC, and a DVD drive.

