Leica Microsystems Release New Super-Resolution Microscope System

25 Aug 2011
Sonia Nicholas
Managing Editor and Clinical Lead

Using the new Lecia SR GSD, scientists can achieve resolutions far below the limit of diffraction that have ever been attained previously in fluorescence microscopy. The Leica Microsystem system is capable of resolving details as small as 20 nanometers. This enables research of structures of single proteins and other biomolecules in cells and observation of molecular processes to gain new insights into fundamental processes of life.

The Leica SR GSD is based on GSDIM technology, exclusively licensed from MPI Goettingen (based on the work of Professor Stefan Hell). It has already delivered amazing results in scientific experiments during its test phase. One of the key advantages of the GSDIM method is that it can be used with conventional fluorescence labels routinely applied in fluorescence imaging applications. GSDIM provides the highest resolution possible with a light microscope today, almost equaling that of an electron microscope.

Extended super-resolution portfolio
Leica Microsystems is using its many years of experience in super-resolution microscopy to extend its innovative portfolio of super-resolution light microscopy and nanoscopy products. “We are thrilled that the outstanding performance of the new Leica SR GSD has been confirmed by many experts. We have already received orders from the research community, and are eagerly awaiting first publications,” comments Sebastian Tille, head of the Business Segment ‘Widefield Imaging’ at Leica Microsystems.

Highly Integrated Multi-Modal System
The Leica SR GSD is based on a fully automated TIRF system (Total Internal Reflection Fluorescence). The system combines the benefits of super-resolution with TIRF microscopy, one of many options. The system can also be used for a wide range of applications in all areas of live cell microscopy and high-end fluorescence microscopy. With its flexible and multi-functional system, the Leica SR GSD gives researchers the freedom to tailor the system exactly to their needs.

Novel Drift Optimization
The prevention of drift during image acquisition is a key issue in super-resolution microscopy for exact localization of molecules. The Leica SR GSD is equipped with the novel SuMo Stage technology (SUpressed MOtion) that guarantees minimum drift, eliminating the need for time-consuming drift compensation post acquisition. With the Leica SR GSD the user can immediately see the super-resolution image of the selected sample location during acquisition. The reduction of drift also simplifies specimen preparation, as there is no need to use gold particles or other standards for reference.

The Leica SR GSD is a reliable research tool for a wide range of biomedical applications, providing neuroscientists, cell biologists, virologists, structural biologists, microbiologists, and physiologists with new opportunities for studying the function and interaction of single molecules and visualization of sub-cellular structures.

