LGC Appoints Sigma-Aldrich to Market and Distribute LGC’s KASP™ Genotyping Assays Worldwide

4 Aug 2015
Chelsie Phillips
Temporary Editorial Assistant

LGC has appointed Sigma-Aldrich Corporation as its sole, global distributor authorised to market and distribute off-the-shelf KASP Genotyping Assays, including more than 100,000 pre-designed assays for public domain human SNPs. LGC has also appointed Sigma-Aldrich as its non-exclusive distributor authorised to market and distribute KASP MasterMix reagents, custom KASP Laboratory Validated Assays and custom KASP Designed Assays.

This pivotal three year deal authorises Sigma-Aldrich to globally distribute LGC’s large selection of genotyping assays accessible through the novel Assay Search Tool, granting Sigma-Aldrich customers exclusive access to LGC’s KASP Genotyping Assays

Marcus Wills, Commercial Director, Genomics, LGC, said, “We are excited to be working with Sigma-Aldrich, enhancing LGC’s strong position within the life science sector through Sigma-Aldrich’s class-leading position and global reach within the market. Through this new agreement, Sigma-Aldrich will leverage highly complementary product lines and allow access to thousands of validated KASP Assays to a global market. LGC’s Assay Search Tool allows for ease of product selection and ordering of KASP Genotyping Assays, enabling scientists and researchers to make their next discovery. In keeping with LGC’s vision of ‘science for a safer world,’ this agreement covers assays for genetic variation in humans, as well as planned future additions supporting plant and animal genomics and breeding.”

LGC scientists have contributed significantly to the development of new genotyping technologies, making affordable projects accessible to a broad range of customers, independent of project size. To date, they have extracted DNA from more than 10 million samples, as well as having processed more than one billion PCR reactions.

