LightCycler® 1536 Real-Time PCR System High Throughput – Redefined

19 Aug 2009
Sarah Sarah
Marketing / Sales

Experience the new era in high-throughput real-time PCR using the plate-based LightCycler® 1536 Real-Time PCR System from Roche Applied Science. Precisely engineered for miniaturization (reaction volume: 0.5 – 2.0 µl) and parallelization (1536-well format), this is the industry-first real-time PCR solution for high-throughput gene expression and genotyping studies.

• Increase single-run throughput fourfold
Generate 1,536 data points in less than 50 minutes.
• Cut your cost per result in half
Benefit from miniaturization, using very low sample and reagent volumes.
• Forge ahead with data quality you can trust
Maintain continuity and comparability with your legacy results.
• Revolutionize your existing automated workflow
Streamline real-time PCR using this system explicitly designed for high throughput.

Break through to the next generation in high-throughput PCR.
The powerful LightCycler® 1536 System not only exceeds the throughput capabilities of its predecessors, but also increases flexibility and sensitivity in high-throughput applications due to its customizable plate-based format and proven real-time PCR technology.
