Linkam launches the CMS196V<sup>3</sup>, a cryo-correlative microscopy system

6 Nov 2019
Arran Tabary-Davies

The Linkam CMS196V3 is a Cryo-Correlative Microscopy system enabling the full workflow of Correlative Light and Electron Microscopy (CLEM). It is ideal for the correlation of high-resolution structural information with biochemical processes within cells. The latest model can be integrated with a wide range of research grade upright microscopes, offers enhanced sample stability for Cryo imaging, improved sample handling and reduced sample contamination.

The CMS196V3 maintains the vitrified state of the sample by means of liquid nitrogen cooling and provides proven capabilities to safely handle and transfer cryo samples and image them with optical microscopy. Samples are kept free of contamination at all times due to active self-cleaning via the liquid nitrogen cold trap. The integrated, encoded, motorised XY stage enables coordinate mapping required to locate the same sample position in the fluorescence microscope, as well as in the EM.

The chamber top-up keeps samples vitrified at a constant –196°C, reducing photo bleaching and maintaining structural integrity of samples. The sample cassette holder can hold up to 3 grids and ensures contamination-free sample loading, storage and transfer. Cassettes are available for different grid types including FEI, Planchette, Bessey, Polara and custom designs. Optional Liquid Nitrogen autofill can extend the use of the system for up to 6 hours, unattended.

The LINK software for the CMS196V3 provides complete control and monitoring of the system. When combined with the optional high sensitivity camera and imaging module, LINK enables fully automated, tiled, image capture. The system produces a single, tiled, image of the full EM grid at high resolution. This can then be used to navigate the sample and save co-ordinates of areas of interest. A full SDK is available for users to develop and integrate control of the CMS196V3 into their own applications. Support for the CMS196 V3 is also provided with Zeiss ZEN, Nikon NIS-Elements software as well LabVIEW.

While Cryo-CLEM has been the main application for this stage there is increasing interest in Super Resolution microscopy at cryo temperatures due to the greatly reduced photobleaching at -196°C.

Duncan Stacey, Linkam’s marketing director, commented: Since the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 2017 was awarded to Jacques Dubochet, Joachim Frank and Richard Henderson for the development of cryo-electron microscopy, there has been growing interest in this technique which both simplifies and improves the imaging of biomolecules. We have been developing cryo stages for correlative microscopy for many years and this latest model brings added value to our customers. In particular, it gives them the flexibility to bolt on to any of the leading research grade upright microscopes and integrate with a number of software packages. We are pleased to be continuing to support scientists in the fast-developing fields of correlative microscopy and particle EM, as well as the emerging Cryo-Super Resolution microscopy field, with this latest version of our popular cryo stage.”

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