
Lipid Profiling with Randox – Accurate Cholesterol Measurements for a Healthy Heart.

20 Mar 2009
Emily Marquez-Vega
Publishing / Media

Randox provides a comprehensive lipid profile, measuring the good cholesterol (HDL), the bad (LDL) and the ugly (small LDL).

Randox protocols are extremely accurate, as they employ a direct clearance method, so only the specific lipid is measured, even in abnormal samples, such as those with high triglyceride content. These tests are suitable for fully automated clinical chemistry analysers and have been standardised against ultracentrifugation, the CDC reference method.

Dietary fat is broken down into lipids (cholesterol and triglycerides), which are important cellular building blocks. Cholesterol is insoluble in blood so is transported to and from cells in complexes known as lipoproteins, they key ones being low-density lipoprotein (LDL) and high-density lipoprotein (HDL). LDL transports cholesterol to the cells for utilisation, but can build up in the arteries that feed the heart and brain, forming plaques. These deposits can narrow and stiffen arteries (atherosclerosis) forming clots, causing a heart attack or stroke. Randox Direct LDL cholesterol kits are liquid ready-to-use endpoint assays, incorporating a clearance method that can accurately detect levels of LDL in circulating blood. This method, rather than the Friedewald equation, removes discrepancies caused by triglycerides and removes the need to fast prior to testing.

Small LDL is particularly atherogenic; a person with predominantly sLDL has a 3-fold increased risk of heart attack, so Randox offer a specific test for this high risk cholesterol.

HDL has a protective effect on the arteries, through its function of transporting cholesterol from cells to the liver for metabolism and elimination. A low level of HDL increases cardiovascular risk, irrespective of LDL levels. Randox liquid ready Direct HDL cholesterol kits accurately measure levels of HDL in blood, removing non-HDL lipoproteins in the first step, providing greater specificity and accuracy.

High triglyceride levels increase the atherogenicity of HDL and LDL and these can also be measured with Randox kits, available as lyophilised or liquid Trinder-based end-point assays. Randox provide test kits to accurately and rapidly detect circulating levels of ApoA-I, ApoA-II, ApoB, ApoC-II and III and ApoE, to complete the lipid picture.

In summary, early detection of risk factors, such as high LDL or low HDL will encourage changes in lifestyle, so averting future serious illness.

