Liquid Autosampler for the Antek MultiTek and 9000 Elemental Analyzers

9 Oct 2011
Roger Wayman
Administrator / Office Personnel

PAC has announced the release of its latest autosampler, the Model 758 Liquid Autosampler, for its Antek MultiTek® and 9000 Elemental Analyzer instruments. With its turret design, Model 758 provides all the essential automated sample analysis capabilities, such as bubble elimination, syringe washes, and controlled injection speed for a wide variety of viscosities, while also being a more economical option than most autosamplers. It is available in 100V, 115V, and 230V configurations and contains a 110-position tray. The syringe holder can support 10, 25, or 100 μL syringe sizes.

This latest model joins the current PAC portfolio of liquid sample introduction systems, Model 735 and Model 748. The Model 735 Syringe Drive is an automated system for single sample introduction. The Model 748 Liquid Autosampler provides flexibility for labs that need to run larger sample vials, need fast sample throughput, and automation.

“PAC decided to expand its portfolio of autosamplers to better serve its customers,” said Daniel Benitez, PAC Vice President of Product Management and Marketing. “By increasing the choices our customers have, they can pick the autosampler that best suits their needs, as well as their budget.”
