Live-Cell Analysis Handbook: New Edition Released

Discover a comprehensive guide to real-time live-cell imaging and analysis

9 Sept 2018
Frankie MacDonald
Administrator / Office Personnel

Real-time live-cell analysis is redefining the possibilities and workflows of cell biology. However, most laboratories lack processes for continual monitoring of cells prior to, or during, analysis to capture crucial or rare events.

Important questions such as, “Are the cells supposed to look like that?” or “Have they grown, changed, or differentiated overnight?” are often overlooked or addressed subjectively, compromising the validity and reliability of any experimental observations and, ultimately, the reliability and integrity of your research.

The combination of ease of use, throughput, and non-invasive measurement within live-cell analysis enables researchers to monitor and measure cell behaviors at a scale and in ways that were previously not possible.

Live-cell analysis is ideally complementary to other cell analysis platforms, such as flow cytometry, analyte detection or RNA/DNA analysis methods, expanding on traditional end-point cell monitoring and analysis methods. It enables researchers to ask new questions, get new answers, improve productivity and protect precious cells.

The comprehensive live-cell analysis handbook covers topics including:

  • Cell culture quality control assays
  • Kinetic cell health and viability assays
  • Kinetic cell migration and invasion assays
  • Studying protein dynamics with IncuCyte® live-cell analysis (NEW!)
  • Kinetic assays utilizing complex models (NEW!)

Download the handbook online or reserve your printed copy here >>

