Live Cell Imaging System

19 Mar 2008
Mark Haslam
Marketing / Sales

SANYO are currently working on the launch of a new Cell Imaging System called InCu-View Live. Based on the MCO-5M with an Olympus optical microscope, InCu-VIEW Live provides an integrated solution for the culture, observation and time-lapse recording of embryos and cells, in vitro.

During conventional cell culture and observation procedures, samples are removed from incubators leaving cells or embryos vulnerable to changes in environmental conditions or at increased risk of contamination.

Variations in temperature and other environmental factors during culturing can adversely affect cell or embryo development, and experimental data.

By integrating the culture, observation and time-lapse recording of cells or embryos in one system a controlled culture environment can be maintained with reduced risk of contamination. The integrated design eliminates the need to remove cell cultures or embryos from the incubator for observation, and all microscope operations are controlled remotely minimising the number of door openings and the disturbance to samples.

Cells do not have to be removed from the incubator for imaging. As a result:-

  • Samples are maintained under precisely controlled environmental conditions
  • Cell or embryo development is optimised
  • The risk of contamination is reduced
  • Gas consumption is minimised due to reduced door opening

Time-lapse imaging provides new opportunities to monitor cell or embryo development in culture.
InCu-VIEW Live can accept multiple samples using all commonly used culture-ware. This provides greater flexibility and allows the user to transfer protocols from existing incubators.

