Live-Cell, Real-Time Monitoring of cAMP Kinetics with Promega GloSensor™ Technology

3 Apr 2008

Promega Corporation announces the launch of a breakthrough cell-based biosensor technology, termed GloSensor™ Technology. The non-lytic, live-cell GloSensor cAMP Assay is the first application of the patent-pending technology, which features a genetically engineered form of firefly luciferase. The benefit to screeners and scientists alike will be more biologically relevant data captured directly from living cells.

cAMP is key signaling molecule for many G-protein coupled receptors. GloSensor cAMP Assay is the first bioluminescent cell-based biosensor for the direct, intracellular kinetic monitoring of cAMP, and ideally suited to HTS and µHTS application. "Early testers of the assay are telling us the ease and performance of the assay are phenomenal," says Neal Cosby, Promega Drug Screening Manager. "The kinetic profiling of cAMP afforded by this new technology will give scientists better insight into the biology of living cells under various treatments, such as agonist and antagonist screening." Because researchers simply combine cells, compounds and GloSensor cAMP Assay Reagent, the technology offers 'zero-step' assay potential.

Collaborator and company-sponsored presentations will be given at SBS 14th Annual Conference & Exhibition (April 6-10, 2008) in St. Louis. Promega scientists who developed the genetically engineered bioluminescent biosensors will be present at SBS to discuss the new technology with interested parties.

