Low Volume SPE Assays Enhanced by Novel C18 Sorbent...

31 Mar 2009
Samantha Rosoman
Campaign Coordinator

Porvair Sciences Ltd. has announced the availability of a new range of BioVyon™ C18 silica columns and microplates for use in low volume Solid Phase Extraction (SPE) assays.

Packed bed SPE columns and microplates traditionally perform relatively inefficiently when using the shallow sorbent beds necessary to get good recovery from smaller sample volumes. By immobilising the C18 sorbent within the porous BioVyon polymer – Porvair have created a novel, high surface area matrix that provides unmatched control of flow rate. Further the immobilised C18 sorbent cannot form liquid channels and does not require inert frits to support it thereby minimising hold-up volume. The combination of these attributes has enabled Porvair to introduce a new range of SPE columns and microplates that provide higher consistency and greater recoveries for small sample volume assays.

BioVyon C18 is initially being offered in 96-well microplates as a 10mg per well loading suitable for low volume bioassay preparation and clean-ups. In the popular 1ml cartridge format, BioVyon C18 is available in a choice of 12.5, 25 and 50mg loadings to suit your application.

Established in 1992, Porvair Sciences Ltd. expertise in microplate technology and manufacturing covers scientific fields including Life Sciences, Drug Discovery, Combinatorial Chemistry, Solid Phase Extraction, Protein Purification, High Throughput Screening, Proteomics and Genomics. Porvair Sciences Ltd. is a wholly owned subsidiary of Porvair plc.

For further information on BioVyon C18 SPE products please contact Porvair Sciences Ltd.

