Make Overnight Sample Drying Easy

13 Mar 2012
Roger Wayman
Administrator / Office Personnel

The Centrifan PE, from Modular SFC, is a compact lab-scale evaporator/condenser/collector which uses neither vacuum nor external blow-down gas supply. The captured volume of recirculating air or nitrogen carries the solvent vapor to an integral cold trap where it is condensed and collected. When working with high boiling solvents, such as DMF or DMSO, which require more drying time than organic solvents, replenishing dry ice in the cold trap becomes inconvenient. New at Pittcon was an optional coiled tubing insert to provide a flowing coolant arrangement from hood plumbing or a lab circulator. This capability makes overnight drying of DMSO samples easy and convenient through unattended continuous chilling of the cold trap. For those users without chilled coolant capability, an optional PolyScience IP-60 Immersion Cooler is available from Modular SFC.

The Centrifan PE is a no-maintenance, sample-safe, and reliable companion to traditional laboratory evaporators and for implementing student-safe, low-cost evaporation for instructional laboratory curricula. The closed system makes the Centrifan PE a good choice for harsh inorganic chemistry, cold room operations, toxic compounds, radioisotopes, flavors, fragrances, and other chemical entities which cause problems with vacuum and nitrogen systems. The six-vial capacity of the typical rotor also makes the Centrifan PE an ideal companion for Flash LC platforms where collection of the compound of interest occurs in the same few sample vials. Dry-down of those specific fractions can begin immediately as the Flash LC is prepared for the next injection. Finally, because the Centrifan PE collects all of the solvent vapor that it generates, it is a far more ecologically responsible tool than typical nitrogen blow-down solutions.

With a small 8 in. x 12 in. footprint and only 18 in. high, the Centrifan PE is an integrated evaporation system that needs only a fume arm to catch residual vapors for the short times that the lid is open. Seven rotor options are available to accommodate 20, 30, and 40 mL Scintillation vials, 1.6 mL Eppendorf tubes, 4 mL (1 dram) vials, 16x100mm test tubes, and 1.8mL Agilent vials.

