Malvern and NextBreath Present Nasal Spray Workshop at RDD Europe 2009

3 Mar 2009
Samantha Rosoman
Campaign Coordinator

Malvern Instruments will join forces with NextBreath LLC at Respiratory Drug Delivery Europe 2009 to deliver a workshop on ‘Understanding the device requirements for reproducible nasal drug delivery’. RDD Europe 2009 takes place in Lisbon, Portugal from 19-22 May.

The workshop, delivered by Dr Julie Suman, president of NextBreath, and Dr Paul Kippax, product manager for laser diffraction at Malvern Instruments, will explore how the design of a nasal spray pump affects drug delivery. Achieving reproducible nasal drug delivery requires the selection of a nasal spray device capable of fully atomizing the chosen formulation, however the widespread inclusion of rheology modifiers to improve product stability and retention times within the nasal passages, can make defining the optimum nasal pump configuration quite complex. Using the technique of laser diffraction as a guide, this workshop will explore how actuator and pump design may be changed in order to produce the desired spray characteristics. Time-resolved laser diffraction data generated using the Malvern Spraytec will be used to illustrate the formation of droplets and their potential for delivery to the nasal cavity.

As well as jointly leading the nasal spray workshop, Paul Kippax will contribute to the scientific program, speaking on the subject of ‘Using PAT to tune mill processes: optimizing the particle size distribution of APIs’, as part of a session devoted to ‘Controlling critical to quality attributes during manufacture’. He will examine the requirement for particle size monitoring, especially the application of laser diffraction for continuous particle size analysis, and will explore the benefits of switching from off-line to on-line analysis within a PAT framework. His presentation will include case studies focusing on the important unit operations of milling and granulation.

The Respiratory Drug Delivery Europe 2009 meeting format will include podium sessions and debates emphasizing Progress in Research Methods, QbD and Regulatory Science, On- In- and/or At-line Testing Methods and PAT, Issues Concerning Regulatory Approval of Delivery Devices, Advances in Drug Delivery Technologies, and Current issues in Drug Product Testing.

For further detailed about Malvern Instruments please visit the company article webpage.

