Malvern Instruments and Copley Scientific enter into new collaboration for inhaler testing

10 Sept 2006

The announcement by Malvern Instruments of a close working relationship with Copley Scientific, Europe’s largest manufacturer of inhaler test equipment, is positive news for developers of inhalation drug delivery systems.

Malvern’s new generation Spraytec system, a dedicated instrument for particle size analysis of sprays and aerosols, and its associated inhalation cell have been developed to be fully compatible with a range of Copley Scientific instruments and accessories. This makes it easy for users to characterize inhaler sprays in complementary ways and facilitates the cross-comparison of data.

“We believe that the Spraytec is a valuable tool for developers of inhalation systems,” said Paul Kippax, product manager for the Spraytec. “Speed of measurement is a particularly attractive feature of laser diffraction – the Spraytec can make hundreds of measurements per day – and the data produced offers valuable insight into the processes of particle formation and dispersion during inhaler operation. Our work with Copley Scientific is an important route for the continued development of our product for this rapidly growing market.”

Also welcoming the news, Mark Copley, Sales Manager, at Copley Scientific, said, “Whilst cascade impaction methods are essential in order to measure the aerodynamic particle size distribution of the active pharmaceutical ingredient (API), new technologies are valuable in providing additional data. They can also help to accelerate the development of inhaler formulations and devices. This collaboration enhances our ability to offer customers effective products that can be used from the research phase right through to routine QC. Data from the Spraytec can therefore be used in conjunction with traditional cascade impactor testing to better understand inhaler output.”

