Malvern Instruments Showcases Spray Droplet Size Measurement at AEROSOL 2013

15 Aug 2013
Sarah Thomas
Associate Editor

Malvern Instruments is to illustrate how the Spraytec laser diffraction droplet size analyzer is being used as part of aerosol and cosmetic spray safety assessments at the International Aerosol Congress 2013 (24-26 September 2013, Madrid, Spain). Entitled ‘Control and effectiveness, modeling spray exposure’, the talk will explore the use of the Spraytec for particle size analysis during aerosolization, presenting examples of how operators are employing the system to assess the potential health and safety risks of aerosol use.

The Aerosol Dispensers Directive 75/324/EEC and Cosmetic Products Regulation (EC) 1223/2009 require manufacturers to assess the potential risk to humans of product use for ‘normal and reasonably foreseeable exposure routes’. For aerosols this includes the risk of inhalation, a factor that is overridingly influenced by particle and droplet size. Malvern’s presentation, delivered by particle sizing expert Dr Anne Virden, will demonstrate the Spraytec’s ability to measure and map out the changes in droplet size that occur during a real-time spray event, enabling the Chemical Safety Assessment (CSA) required of aerosol device manufacturers to be carried out.

Malvern’s Spraytec system measures across a wide range of particle sizes (0.1 – 2000 microns) during real-time spray actuation. Capable of resolving rapid changes in droplet size over time by taking up to 10,000 measurements per second, the technique is eminently suited to testing spray and atomization processes for aerosol devices. To find out more about laser diffraction particle sizing and the Spraytec or for a full program of Malvern’s upcoming events please click on the company website link below.

