Materials Characterization Webinar Series: All you need to know about the latest tools and techniques advancing materials science

Find out how to prevent failures with SEM/EDS and how optical spectroscopy is key to advancing nanomaterial research

26 May 2021
Edward Carter
Publishing / Media

We have entered a true materials revolution, with materials science right at the heart of innovation. The characterization of materials delivers a deeper understanding of the structure and properties associated with a given material at the atomic scale, providing insight into its optical, morphological, electrical, thermal, and magnetic characteristics. Technological developments and discoveries in the field of materials science have shaped and enhanced the methods by which materials can now be investigated.

In this series of free webinars, find out all you need to know about the latest technologies, techniques, and tools advancing materials science, including how to prevent failures with SEM/EDS and how optical spectroscopy is key to advancing nanomaterial research. Register now to hear the latest from the materials science experts, plus, check out a selection of our on-demand webinars below.

Optical spectroscopy: Advancing nano-material research with wet-chemical synthesis

Monday, June 7, at 16:00 BST / 17:00 CEST / 11:00 EDT / 8:00 PDT

Join Dr. Enrico Della Gaspera, senior lecturer and ARC DECRA Fellow at RMIT University, and Travis Burt, global product manager at Agilent Technologies, to find out more about wet-chemical synthesis - a versatile approach for controlling the purity, surface chemistry, and microstructure of nanomaterials using tailored reaction chemistries and processing conditions. Gaspera will explain how this approach enables a move away from vacuum-based processes, therefore reducing costs and improving the scalability of nanomaterials and related devices.

Register here

Advanced biological SEM: Making the most of your microscope

Tuesday, June 8, at 16:00 BST / 17:00 CEST / 11:00 EDT / 8:00 PDT

Join Dr. Louise Hughes, Life Science Product Manager at Oxford Instruments NanoAnalysis, as she reveals a range of techniques available to biologists. Hughes will provide examples using different sample types, ranging from plants and tissues to cells and organelles, including medical applications and cell biology.

Register here

How to determine the root cause and prevent failures with SEM/EDS

Wednesday, June 9, at 15:00 BST / 16:00 CEST / 10:00 EDT / 07:00 PDT

Join Alice Scarpellini and Rogier Miltenburg, from Thermo Fisher Scientific, as they reveal more about the analysis of unique automotive, ceramics, steel and plastic samples, including the root cause analysis of failures. This webinar will also introduce the latest Thermo Fisher Scientific technologies that bring speed and simplicity to failure analysis.

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Discover more free on-demand materials characterization webinars here:

  • Non-destructive characterization of electrospun fibers with 3D high-resolution X-ray microscopy: Dr. Juliana Martins, leader of the X-ray imaging group within the Chair of Microstructured Material Design at Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg, discusses the benefits and applications of 3D high-resolution Zernike phase-contrast X-ray imaging for qualitative morphological characterization of biomaterials, with a focus on electrospun fibers. Watch here>>
  • UV-Vis spectroscopy for validated pharmaceutical testing: Dr. Daniel Frasco, product specialist at Thermo Fisher Scientific, showcases the benefits of the Evolution UV-Vis spectrophotometer. Gain information and insights on the tools available for instrument validation and qualification, performance verification, and data integrity, and learn how Thermo Fisher Scientific can work in tandem with pharmaceutical companies to deliver streamlined integration of new instrumentation into a pharmaceutical environment. Watch here>>
  • ColorSEM: A revolution in SEM imaging and analysis: EDS analysis (energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy) is a powerful technique used in conjunction with scanning electron microscopy (SEM) for the study of elemental sample composition. However, in traditional implementations it is considered relatively slow, only provides a greyscale image, and runs on a separate acquisition system. Find out how Thermo Scientific™ ColorSEM™ Technology solves these issues by turning greyscale SEM into a color technique with instantaneous elemental information. Watch here>>
  • Innovation in imaging: Faster accessible and more intuitive FTIR spectroscopy: Bruker’s specialist for FTIR and Raman microscopy, Dr. Thomas Tague, presents the LUMOS II's key hardware and software features and discusses the benefits of automation and focal-plane array imaging. The application of these novel capabilities to the polymer, pharmaceutical, and material science industries is also shown. Watch here>>
  • Probing nanoscale structure & properties of polymers: Advances in atomic force microscopy: Join applications scientist Dr. Ted Limpoco and AFM applications scientist, Dr. Jonathan Moffat, as they look at how AFMs can reveal polymer structures down to the crystal lamellae, examine morphologies such as nanopores and nanofibers created from specific processes, and evaluate the dispersion of fillers and phase separation of components in composites and blends. Watch here>>

Register for the Materials Characterization Webinar Series here>>

