Maximal recovery of DNA and RNA from tiny samples

2 Oct 2007

Two new kits from QIAGEN provide maximal nucleic acid yields from very small cell and tissue samples: the RNeasy® Plus Micro Kit, which purifies RNA, and the AllPrep® DNA/RNA Micro Kit, which simultaneously purifies DNA and RNA. Both kits are specially designed for tiny samples such as fine-needle aspirates and laser-microdissected cryosections.

The RNeasy Plus Micro Kit achieves optimal sample lysis with Buffer RLT Plus to maximize RNA yields. Genomic DNA is effectively and rapidly removed in a single centrifugation step using unique gDNA Eliminator spin columns. High-quality total RNA is then purified using RNeasy MinElute® spin columns, which allow an elution volume of as low as 10 µl.

The AllPrep DNA/RNA Micro Kit enables simultaneous purification of DNA and RNA from the same sample, avoiding the need to split the sample into two for separate purification procedures. The lysate is first applied to an AllPrep DNA spin column to isolate genomic DNA, and then to an RNeasy MinElute spin column to isolate total RNA.

Total RNA purified with both kits is well suited for any application, such as RT-PCR, real-time RT-PCR, and microarray analysis. Genomic DNA purified with the AllPrep DNA/RNA Micro Kit is suitable for both qualitative and quantitative analyses, including PCR, real-time PCR, genotyping, and comparative genome hybridization (CGH).

The RNeasy Plus Micro Kit and AllPrep DNA/RNA Micro Kit are intended for research use. No claim or representation is intended to provide information for the diagnosis, prevention, or treatment of a disease.

Trademarks: AllPrep®, MinElute®, RNeasy® (QIAGEN Group).

