Measure Cell Density Almost Anywhere

3 Sept 2009
Sarah Sarah
Marketing / Sales

Biochrom Ltd has introduced its CO 8000 Cell Density Meter. The CO 8000 is a simple, reliable instrument that measures the density of cells grown in suspension by measuring OD at 600nm. This makes this instrument ideal for cells grown in suspension such as yeast and bacterial cultures.

The CO 8000 is completely portable, it is hand-held and has a rechargeable battery with a long life enabling it to be taken to where the cell cultures are growing.
This Cell Density Meter can be used in incubation cabinets, under anaerobic conditions or even in a fume hood or safety cabinet. It is easily cleaned and accepts a variety of cuvettes and tubes.

The built in memory stores up to 99 sample results for easy downloading to a PC later. The LED source and fiber optics give stable results and require no maintenance or warm up. Switch it on and you are ready to go.

