Medical laboratory professionals pipette their way through lab week
4 Jun 2019
Artel announces the winning teams of the company’s 2019 Pipetting Challenge, which took place in conjunction with the Medical Laboratory Professionals Week (Lab Week). Over 350 participants entered the competition, which was created to test pipetting proficiency and help lab professionals improve their skills while competing for medals and prizes. “We recognize that accurate pipetting is one of the critical skills used by lab professionals on a daily basis,” explained Linda Sheehy, Lab Week program manager, “Our competition is a way to recognize these laboratorians for their dedication to excellence and a fun way for them to keep their skills honed. We congratulate all the contestants who took part in this popular, team-building event.”
Using the Artel PCS Pipette Calibration System and 10 Tips poster demonstrating proper pipetting technique, each contestant was asked to deliver 20 µL ten times. Contestants entered their pipetting performance results online to see how they measured up to their peers and other teams. Everyone who competed received a Certificate of Participation and those who scored within specific tolerance levels earned bronze, silver, or gold medals. Teams of 10 participants each vied for the top prizes.
Congratulations to the winning teams:
- St. Marks Hospital in Salt Lake City, UT took first place with a score of 0.2070 CV, winning a gift card of $300.
- ARUP Laboratories in Salt Lake City, UT took second place with a score of 0.2450 CV, winning a gift card of $200.
- Sonic Reference Laboratory in Austin, TX took third place with a score of 0.2550 CV, winning a gift card of $100.
Medical Laboratory Professionals Week highlights the importance of clinical laboratory competency and celebrates the professionals involved in this critical science annually. “Every day, laboratorians are hard at work helping to deliver quality results that lead us to healthier lives,” said Sheehy.
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