MedMira Brings First Comprehensive POC Rapid HIV Test to Mexico

19 Mar 2014
Sonia Nicholas
Managing Editor and Clinical Lead

Receives approval to market and sell Reveal HIV through Mexican distributor Diagno Medical

MedMira Inc. has received approval from the Federal Commission for the Protection against Sanitary Risk (COFEPRIS) to market and sell its Reveal® Rapid HIV Antibody Test (Reveal HIV) in Mexico. Reveal HIV is the first rapid HIV test to be approved and sold in Mexico that is available in an all-inclusive point-of-care format. This comprehensive kit for point-of-care testing includes everything necessary to conduct the test anywhere, anytime and delivers more operational and cost efficiencies to care providers and their patients than any other test on the market.

In addition to the point-of-care format, MedMira’s distribution partner in Mexico, Diagno Medical, will also sell Reveal HIV in two laboratory formats to optimize user needs in all testing environments, from the laboratory to the point-of-care. Built on MedMira’s patented Rapid Vertical Flow Technology™, Reveal HIV delivers result instantly with a simple three step procedure, making it the fastest available test on the market. Other rapid tests on the market take anywhere from 15 to 40 minutes to deliver a result, while Reveal HIV takes less than two minutes from go to know. The Reveal HIV test is an easy-to-use, first line of defense tool to prevent the spread of HIV infection.

The AIDS Healthcare Foundation (AHF) indicates that the country’s infection rate has remained about the same in the past decade with 220,000 people currently living with HIV in Mexico. More than 30 percent of the 110 million people living in Mexico are located in suburban areas where HIV testing and treatment is not easily accessible forcing people to travel to urban areas if they wish to be tested.

“The availability of the Reveal HIV provides patients with more options for screening, particularly those in suburban areas,“ said Roger Cornejo, CEO of Diagno Medical. “The absence of quality point-of-care HIV testing and care across the country has contributed to the lack of success in decreasing infection rates. Now we can make screening safer, faster and more accessible with Reveal HIV, and offer the right tool to aid in the fight against the spread of HIV infection across Mexico.”

The Reveal HIV test provides patients with more options for screening including doctor’s office and small remote clinics outside of urban areas. The compact, lightweight package provides all of the components needed for whole blood testing at the point-of-care, including lancet, alcohol swab, and a leak-proof test cartridge. With everything included in a single package, care providers do not need to order, stock and manage inventory of various accessories to perform point-of-care whole blood testing.

The approval of Reveal HIV in Mexico is one of several that MedMira has recently achieved in Latin America. The Company is also pursuing product approvals for the Reveal and Multiplo ranges in Panama, Ecuador, Brazil and Argentina as part of its ongoing expansion in the region.

