MedMira Receives Approval to Market Reveal® Rapid HIV Test with New Features in Europe

14 Mar 2014
Sarah Thomas
Associate Editor

MedMira Inc. has received approval to market an enriched version of its Reveal HIV test that simplifies the test procedure, enabling direct use of whole blood specimens – making the test even more convenient for point-of-care test users, especially in emergency situations when every second counts. The new enhancements build on what is already the fastest HIV test among all patented rapid diagnostic technologies available in Europe.

According to the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) and WHO/Europe sponsored HIV/AIDS surveillance in Europe 2012 report, HIV infection rates in Europe have increased eight percent since 2011. The report calls for the need to make HIV testing more available across Europe and for more accelerated action against HIV, which at this time is often undiagnosed or diagnosed late in the course of the disease. Terrence Higgins Trust, a UK HIV and sexual health charity, released a report earlier this year titled, 2020 Vision: Making England’s HIV Prevention Response the Best in the World, urging government to increase testing initiatives by 250,000 tests per year to drive down infection rates and undiagnosed HIV cases.

The Reveal HIV test can help meet this goal. This latest version of the test includes a redesigned cartridge and InstantGold Cap that changes the whole blood procedure. Now users can pour the sample directly into the cartridge enabling greater ease-of-use and faster results. By increasing throughput with instant results, users can also achieve greater cost efficiencies.

Optimizing user experience

“With infection rates on the rise across Europe, the need for rapid testing has never been more apparent,” said Kevin Jones, Ph.D., senior director, global sales and marketing, MedMira. “Our improved whole blood procedure will enable users to test for HIV even more quickly, which is critical in point-of-care situations. We make advancements to our Rapid Vertical Flow Technology based on customer feedback and needs as well as industry trends. This latest version optimizes the user experience and our redesigned cartridge and cap will be used in all of MedMira’s new products that are available through our current and future sales channels.”


The Reveal HIV test is an easy-to-use, first line of defense against the spread of HIV infection. Built on MedMira’s patented Rapid Vertical Flow Technology™, the three-step procedure does not require any specialized training or equipment and results are easy to interpret. The Company’s rapid HIV test is also moving through the approval process with the U.S. FDA. Both the EU and U.S. tests include the same features and benefits – three easy steps from go to know – and add a host of features that further simplify the procedure.

To see just how simple the Reveal HIV test is to use, click on the company website link below.

