Meet EPA Standards with Thermo Scientific's Omni FTIR Multi Gas Continuous Emission Monitoring System

27 Jun 2013
Sarah Thomas
Associate Editor

Plant managers and engineers at industrial source facilities, including utilities, industrial boilers and cement kilns, can measure stack gases with precision and reliability, enabling users to meet the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) maximum achievable control technology (MACT) emissions monitoring standards.

The Thermo Scientific Omni FTIR Multi Gas continuous emissions monitoring system (CEMS) employs Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) technology, which enables a user to simultaneously analyze multiple stack gases, including hydrogen chloride (HCl).

“The heart of the Thermo Scientific Omni FTIR CEMS is the field-proven Thermo Scientific Antaris Industrial Gas System (IGS). The system is capable of delivering research-grade measurements of up to 10 gases,” said Dr. Dieter Kita, director of research & development, environmental and process monitoring, Thermo Fisher Scientific. “We believe that the system’s rugged design also makes it possible for facilities to accurately measure emissions in harsh industrial environments, while doing so in accordance with EPA 40CFR Part 60/63 standards and HCl performance specifications.”

The Omni FTIR CEMS uses an advanced software platform to achieve precise and stable analysis of complex gas spectra found in demanding industrial applications.

“The Omni FTIR Multi Gas CEMS complements our Mercury Freedom System and other CEMS offerings, giving our customers an even more comprehensive solution for their monitoring needs,” said Bob Muscat, vice president, environmental and process monitoring, Thermo Fisher Scientific. “As the needs of the industry grow, we maintain our commitment to deliver innovative products that set a high standard of excellence within the marketplace.”

The Omni FTIR Multi Gas CEMS features:
• High resolution with multiple scans and strong compensation algorithms
• Minimal drift with self-calibration
• Real-time dynamic alignment for long-term stability
• Continuous, clean operation using a unique flowback mode
• World class service and support
