Meet the reviewers who have hit the jackpot in our giveaways

SelectScience is pleased to congratulate the latest winners of our reviews competitions

29 Sept 2021
Diane Li
Assistant Editor

Scientists write lab product reviews on SelectScience for all sorts of reasons, from wanting to support their peers around the world in their work to helping manufacturers provide the best technology solutions and demonstrating expertise in their own field. But to show how much we value the time and insight that goes into sharing their experience, we also like to offer them the chance to win great prizes throughout the year.

Below, meet some of our first lucky winners and find out, in their own words, why scientists love reading and writing reviews on SelectScience. Why not get involved and submit your own lab product review today? By writing a review, you will be helping scientists worldwide make more informed purchasing decisions that will benefit their research and ultimately contribute towards breaking scientific boundaries.

Write a lab product review

Congratulations to our weekly $100 Gift Card winners!

Kanika Jain

Kanika Jain, postdoctoral associate at Yale University, USA

“Science is full of questions. Reviews on SelectScience help researchers in our field to get some answers.”

Leonard Chay

Leonard Chay, applications scientist at SCIEX, Canada

“I think reviews by users are important because they provide a first-hand opinion and testimony to the quality of the product that you intend to buy or are considering.”

B Puri

B Puri, professor at the University of Cambridge, UK

"Reviews on SelectScience are important. They provide valuable information about the pros and cons of new potential equipment for the laboratory."

Albert Vilella

Albert Vilella, bioinformatics scientist at PetMedix, UK

"We are always looking into better ways to do our science, so having a resource such as SelectScience is invaluable to our work."

Shane Talley

Shane Talley, VCP maintenance technician at Invivoscribe, USA

"I believe writing reviews is crucial for informing the science community on amazing instruments."

Phoolwanti Rani

Phoolwanti Rani, postdoctoral fellow at SDBRI, USA

"Reviews help you make the right choice of product."


Congratulations to our Ge-Ni-U-S T-shirt winners!

Irina Fenton

Irina Fenton, senior application scientist at GreenMantra Technologies, Canada

“Reviews on SelectScience are important because they provide unbiased relevant immediate and practical information about scientific and research equipment in a very condensed form in a single-access-point location.”

Chad Bowers

Chad Bowers, scientist at Fairway Laboratories, USA

“Reviews are important because they allow you to make a fast and correct decision on product effectiveness.”

Jen Blank

Jen Blank, senior research investigator at Blue Marble Space Institute of Science, USA

“I find reviews from other scientists and product users to be the most helpful for choosing a product or brand.”

Oriol Daura Pich

Oriol Daura Pich, biochemistry researcher at Futureco Bioscience, Spain

“It is very important to know whether the products are good for people who have tried them. Thanks to SelectScience, scientists have it easier.”

Kevin Peek

Kevin Peek, masters student at University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam

“I think the reviews are a great way to let our fellow scientists know, not only what products have been used successfully for certain experiments, but also the potential pitfalls of certain products.”

Sanja Potgieter

Sanja Potgieter, senior lecturer at Manchester Metropolitan University, UK

“Reviews give real experience and not sales talk.”

Mary Hicks

Mary Hicks, administrative specialist at St Luke's Health System, USA

“I think reviews are essential to getting the best results from your research. You need the best products to get the best results!”

Edward Tutu

Edward Tutu, AD group leader at Cambrex, USA

“As an analytical chemist or scientist, we are always looking for the equipment that is robust and also provides high throughput results with minimal downtime. Reviews on SelectScience are very helpful because they provide some level of assurance on lab equipment someone might intend to purchase. ”

Magdalena Margiotta

Magdalena Margiotta, microbiology analyst at Friesland Campina Ingredients North America, USA

“I always read the reviews before purchasing anything, SelectScience reviews are super helpful considering lab equipment is usually quite pricey and you want to get something that was already tested and good quality, it is like testing it in our lab before the purchasing, I value other users opinions, the opinions definitely help with the selection of a right equipment for the lab!”

Varun Singh Kushwah

Varun Singh Kushwah, principal scientist at Research Center Pharmaceutical Engineering GmbH, Austria

“In my opinion, SelectScience is an excellent platform where all the lab professionals from lab technicians to scientists together can share an unbiased, and complete product experience.”

Brian Lananna

Brian Lananna, postdoctoral fellow at Washington University in St Louis School of Medicine, USA

“Reviews on SelectScience save researchers money and, more importantly, time as they help identify which products are worth the investment.”

Calin Znamirovschi

Calin Znamirovschi, director at Access Medical Labs, USA

“Reviews on SelectScience are important in that they are unbiased, not linked to a sale or a deal. They provide useful peer-to-peer information.”

Congratulations to our $20 Gift Card winners!

Ming Le

Ming Le, manager at Robertet, USA

“Reviews on SelectScience are important because scientists can share information which can help other people in their decision to purchase new lab equipment.”

Ivan Shlamovitz

Ivan Shlamovitz, cell biologist at MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology, UK

“When doing science, the equipment and consumables we use can have a fundamental impact on the advancement of our research. This role is often underplayed, until it manifests itself in some very frustrating and expensive ways. To help us choose which products and resources are the best fit for our projects, SelectScience has proven to be an invaluable source of knowledge. Getting honest and disinterested input straight from researchers with hands-on experience using these products is especially helpful and has allowed us to make our buying decisions in an informed manner. Before getting any piece of equipment, I would highly recommend any scientist to first check on SelectScience what the community thinks of this product, and then don’t forget to write your own reviews!”

Ronald Kittle

Ronald Kittle, researcher at the University of Louisiana, USA

"Reviews on SelectScience are important because they allow me to explore other researchers’ experiences and, as a graduate student, I am always curious before a product is purchased about what other kinds of products are out there. In addition, this platform allows me to provide my own experiences using these products for other researchers who may not have used the product for typical model organisms - such as macroalgae."

Francisco Arteaga Leon

Francisco Arteaga Leon, researcher at ACQ Labs, Spain

"I think that reviews are a really good way to confirm the equipment’s quality and the users' experiences.”

Shashi Suman

Shashi Kumar Suman, senior researcher at IGBMC, France

"SelectScience is a nice platform where you can find simple, fruitful, and honest reviews for the products, which helps researchers to look, decide and buy the desired products.”

Favio Garcia

Favio García, senior engineer at Aiju Technological Institute of Children's product and leisure, Spain

"Like other consumer products elsewhere, reviews are important because you can have feedback about products to help make your decision before buying a product. Reviews help us in every aspect of our consumer lifestyle and, of course, it is great to have this kind of help in our professional life.”

Ahmed Mostafa

Ahmed Mostafasa, researcher at Arizona State University, USA

"Reviews are so important for me as I usually check them before purchasing anything, to know points of strength and weakness.”

Marina Rodriguez

Marina Rodriguez, researcher at University of A Coruña, Spain

“I consider reviews on scientific equipment and reagents very valuable, particularly when you have many options to choose from; I enjoy reading other scientists' opinions on materials I plan to use so I can make better choices.”

Keerat Kaur

Keerat Kaur, postdoctoral fellow at Icahn School of Medicine, Mount Sinai

“Reviews are another name for scientific collaborations.”

Daniel Peters

Daniel Peters, research associate at Newcastle University, UK

"The reviews on SelectScience are important for informing researchers on the choice of equipment that's available, allowing them to make the best decisions when selecting tools and reagents for their research."

Gilles Muller

Gilles Muller, professor at San Jose State University, USA

"SelectScience is the place to get useful and honest feedback on equipment, accessories, or services available from trusted peers, to make a purchase decision with confidence.”


Scott Kisner, laboratory supervisor-quality at Trinity River Authority, USA

"SelectScience reviews are important to the science community so that we are able to obtain real-world reviews of the products we budget for and purchase regularly.”

Janak Joshi

Janak Joshi, postdoctoral researcher at Colorado State University, USA

"SelectScience reviews – an experienced voice to make science easy.”

Jacqueline Shin

Jacqueline Shin, researcher at UNC Chapel Hill, USA

"SelectScience is an important resource because it is an independent entity (that is not linked to a biotechnology company or resource manufacturer). It provides information from a wide array of scientists in different fields and research concentrations and the resources it provides (such as the product reviews, but also the webinars, white papers, and other protocol-related resources) make it possible for a scientist to make the best-informed decisions to ensure the accuracy, scientific quality and reproducibility of their experimental procedures and report the most conclusive, biologically relevant results. Not to mention the fact that peer-review is an essential part of the scientific process and no single person can keep up with all the developments and recent discoveries, which is why getting other reliable opinions is of the utmost importance.”

Gaye Brunson

Gaye Brunson, director at Reeves Memorial, USA

"Reviews from actual users provide the best insight.”


For your chance to be our next big winner, write a review today>>

