Menarini Silicon Biosystems launches the MSBiosuite Bioinformatic Platform

Cloud-based solution automates NGS data analysis for liquid biopsy and FFPE workflows

19 Sept 2019
Laura Sisman
Administrator / Office Personnel

Menarini Silicon Biosystems announced the launch of the MSBiosuite, a cloud-based data analysis solution that completes the company workflow* for liquid biopsy and formalin-fixed paraffin embedded (FFPE) tissue analysis; providing a powerful tool to bridge the gap between sequencing data and consolidated results.

The MSBiosuite was developed in partnership with BlueBee, the global genomics data platform company. The newly integrated data solution provides optimized next-generation sequencing (NGS) data processing, analysis, interpretation and reporting for users of Menarini NGS library preparation kits. The solution meets clinical data security and compliance requirements and guarantees data residency within the region of choice.

“We have removed the complexity and high barrier that traditionally exist for bioinformatics, data management, and clinical data compliance and security,” said Fabio Piazzalunga, CEO of Menarini Silicon Biosystems. “With MSBiosuite, we now offer an integrated data solution that completes our single-cell liquid biopsy and FFPE workflows and will support our customers in getting to actionable results with efficiency and confidence.”

MSBiosuite is designed to automate processing of raw sequencing data generated with Ampli1™ and DEPArray™ NGS kits for single circulating tumor cells (CTCs) and FFPE tissue analysis respectively; providing information on copy number profiling and somatic variants.

“Through this partnership, BlueBee enables Menarini Silicon Biosystems to make the data tangible, actionable, and compliant with global health data regulations,” says Hans Cobben, CEO of BlueBee.

A clinical interpretation report is optionally available with the Ampli1 and DEPArray OncoSeek pipelines. Clinically relevant variants are classified by levels of known significance and layers of diagnostic, prognostic, therapeutic and biomarker evidence are integrated. The service also incorporates deep scientific and clinical analysis of each patient’s molecular data, to identify and prioritize the best clinical trial options.

Menarini Silicon Biosystems has also introduced the NGS library preparation kit, Ampli1 OncoSeek Panel for Illumina® platform, which complements Ampli1 LowPass kit for comprehensive single-cell molecular profiling. Ampli1 OncoSeek Panel allows simultaneous detection of single nucleotide variants (SNVs), insertions/deletions (indels) and focal copy number amplification in 60 clinically relevant, oncology-related genes starting from DNA amplified with best-in-class Ampli1 WGA kit.

The MSBiosuite and Ampli1 OncoSeek Panel for Illumina® platforms are now available in Europe and will be available in the United States later this year.

* for research use only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.

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