Merck Millipore to Highlight Latest Advances in Fast HPLC and Separations of Polar Compounds at HPLC 2013
28 May 2013
Merck Millipore offers a comprehensive portfolio of reliable and reproducible HPLC separation tools even for the most challenging analysis problems in research and development, quality control, environmental, clinical and biochemical analysis.
Join us at HPLC as Merck Millipore highlights its Chromolith® High Resolution HPLC technology, which offers higher efficiency, improved peak shape, and more than two times lower back-pressure than any particulate packed column with the same dimensions. Additionally, the Chromolith® columns have a more than 30% longer lifetime compared with particulate columns.
Merck Millipore will host a seminar on the latest advances in fast HPLC and separations of polar compounds. Presentations include a discussion on how the Chromolith® HPLC technology enables high performance at low pressure with a substantially longer column lifetime than traditional technologies. Recent applications and use of HPLC monolithic products will be discussed. The session will also cover strategies to optimize HPLC analysis of polar hydrophilic compounds by using weak electrostatic interactions at low buffer concentrations.
Merck Millipore Seminar
Wednesday, June 19
1:00-2:00 PM in the Auditorium
Latest Advances in Fast HPLC and Separations of Polar Compounds
Monolithic Technologies Superior to Core Shell Materials
Dr. Egidijus Machtejevas, Product Manager Analytical Chromatography, Merck Millipore
New Complementary Selectivites in HILIC
Petra Lewits, Product Manager Analytical Chromatography, Merck Millipore
Optimizing selectivity for HPLC separations of charged and neutral polar compounds
Wednesday, June 19, 2:40 PM; OR62
Design of surface selectivities for special applications with silica monoliths
Analysis of various matrix containing food samples utilizing robust monolithic silica column technology and LC-MS
Ultra High Performance Liquid Chromatography and High Resolution Mass Spectrometric Detection in the Clinical Laboratory - Use of 2 m Particle Packed Reversed Phase Columns
Visit Merck Millipore at HPLC 2013, Amsterdam, June 16-19, booth #A12.