Mercury Analyser is Ideal for 'Medical Geology'

12 Feb 2009
Emily Marquez-Vega
Publishing / Media

Environmental instrumentation specialist Quantitech will display the latest analysis technology at a British Geological Survey event that will focus on the relationship between geology and the health of humans, animals and plants.

Dr Gareth Pearson, Quantitech’s Product Specialist, will demonstrate the Hydra C Direct Mercury Analyser from Teledyne Leeman Labs at the ‘Practical Applications of Medical Geology’ event at the Kingsley Dunham Centre in Keyworth, Notts on March 19/20th.

Dr Pearson explains: “The Hydra C is well suited to the practical application of medical geology owing to its ability to perform fast accurate analysis of mercury levels in soils, biological fluids and organic tissues. The instrument is portable for either lab or field work and able to test solid or liquid samples without lengthy and hazardous sample preparation.”

Quantitech will also provide information on additional Teledyne Leeman Labs elemental analysers including its ICP-AES range, which includes the ‘Prodigy’ and ‘Prism’.

Details on the BGS event can be found by following the company article webpage link.

