Merger creates a UK centre of excellence for Elemental Analysis...

1 Feb 2006

Exeter Analytical (UK) Ltd., leaders in high performance CHN/O/S elemental analysis systems and consumables, have announced a merger with their sample analysis division - Warwick Analytical Services (WAS) to create a UK centre of excellence for elemental analysis.

Operating out of a modern central UK facility the merged businesses are able to call upon highly experienced and knowledgeable staff, several with 20+ years background in elemental analysis, to provide unsurpassed levels of technical, applications and service support.

Asked about the merger Paul Hemming - European Sales Manager of Exeter Analytical (UK) Ltd. commented 'beyond the obvious benefits of pooling our combined resources both WAS and Exeter have always shared the common aim of offering the best solution / service to produce high quality data at a realistic price'.

