Metrohm's new Dosimat plus – simplify your Dosing and Liquid Handling applications

10 Apr 2008
Greg Smith
Analyst / Analytical Chemist

Metrohm Dosimats make the routine handling of liquids in day-to-day laboratory work much easier. They prove highly useful for various dosing and liquid handling tasks in laboratories all over the world. The new Dosimat plus can be operated manually as stand-alone instruments or used together with Titrino and Titrino plus models as well as the 781 pH/Ion Meter.

The new Dosimat plus offers four different modes for the most popular Liquid Handling applications in the routine lab:

DOS (Dosing)
Push-button dosing, particularly suitable for carrying out manual titrations with a color indicator.
From the added volume the result is calculated automatically and a report can be printed out.

XDOS (Extended Dosing with Tandem mode)
Adding a fixed volume: the volume and the dosing rate are predefined.
Time-controlled dosing: the volume and the time are predefined.
Dosing by dosing rate: the dosing rate and the time are predefined.

CNT D (Content Dosing)
This mode is used for the preparation of standards and other solutions. From the amount of the starting substance (solid or stock solution) and the predefined target concentration, the 865 Dosimat plus automatically determines the volume of solvent to be added. After dosing has taken place, a report containing all the relevant information about the prepared solution can be printed out.

LQT (Liquid Transfer)
This mode is used for pipetting and diluting liquids.

