Microbiologics Debuts New Molecular Standards Product Line – Helix Elite™

19 Nov 2013
Liam McNair
Administrator / Office Personnel

Microbiologics, a leading global manufacturer of prepared quality control microorganism products, debuts its first molecular product line, Helix Elite™. These molecular standards are intended to facilitate the development, validation, and monitoring of molecular assays.

The Helix Elite™ molecular product line currently includes 13 molecular standards for microorganisms that are difficult to grow or cannot be cultured such as Cryptosporidium and Norovirus. Microbiologics unveiled Helix Elite™ at the Association for Molecular Pathology’s Annual Meeting in Phoenix, AZ.

Helix Elite™ is the first product available from Microbiologics’ newly-formed Molecular Products and Services Division, led by Brian Beck, Vice President Molecular Products and Services. These synthetic standards are developed using a unique patented bioinformatic algorithm that combines the genetic diversity of diagnostic sequences from the target organism. Helix Elite™ molecular standards can be used as internal or external positive controls in a defined reaction or spiked into matrices and are applicable for a broad range of assays and instruments. According to Beck, “The Helix Elite™ molecular standards are a safe alternative to using infectious materials that are otherwise hard to access.”

Microbiologics’ CEO Brad Goskowicz commented, “Microbiologics is leveraging its experience as a global provider of microbial cultures and reagents to provide innovative products of the highest quality to support molecular diagnostics. With the addition of Helix Elite™, Microbiologics is now positioned to offer a full-line of controls, from microorganisms and attenuated strains to genomic and synthetic molecular standards.”

